Children Are What Mothers Are !

Hello everyone, how are you doing? Do moms and dads worry about their children as always? Worrying about their health, worrying about their studies, worrying about their future... But while worrying, how to care for and educate children, how to help them grow up so that they can have a happy and successful life in the future? Children are what mothers are. There are countless examples of this in Chinese culture. In ancient China, Mencius's mother moved three times so that her son could grow up in a positive and knowledgeable environment. Just because his mother was a visionary, Mencius became an outstanding scholar in Chinese history. In modern times, Zeng Guofan, a late Qing Dynasty's famous politician, strategist, philosopher, writer, calligrapher, was so popular because of his <<Letters of Zeng Guofan>> and his ancestor's instruction to his descendants. Such examples are everywhere in Western culture! The world’s greatest philanthropist, American industrialist, super-capitalist, and the founder of Standard Oil Company, John D. Rockefeller wrote 38 letters to his son which not only contains a deep love as a father to the son but also is more instructive, involving all aspects to his son's life. Sure enough, their children have made great achievements when they grow up, and they have not disappointed their parents' training and education. The hearts of parents are the same all over the world, regardless of age, culture, race, or region! Some people may say that they are all celebrities. We cannot compare with them. So as ordinary people, let's explore the people around us. See how their happy and successful lives can inspire us? We are so fortunate to invite a well-known guest to give us a series talk. Ms. Maribel Lieberman, the "Chocolate Queen" in the United States: Please welcome her to give us the first subject-A Successful Life Is Not Accidental!

有其母, 必有其子

大家好,这几天大家过的好吗?爸爸妈妈们是不是一如既往地为孩子们担忧?担忧他们的健康,担忧他们的学习,担忧他们的未来... 但是担忧的同时,怎样关心和教育孩子,怎样言传身教地帮助他们成长,使他们将来能拥有幸福成功的人生?中国文化中这样的例子不胜枚举,古有孟母三迁,近有《曾国藩家书》。西方文化中这样的例子也是比比皆是!在全球最伟大的慈善家,美国实业家、超级资本家,美孚石油公司(标准石油)创办人·D·洛克菲勒 John D. Rockefeller(1839—1937年)写给儿子的38封信中,有浓浓的父爱,更有谆谆教诲,涉及生活的方方面面。他们的孩子长大成人果然都卓有建树,没有辜负父母的培养和教育。全天下父母的心都是一样的,不分年代,不分文化,不分种族,不分区域!也许有人会说,他们都是名人。我们和他们无法相提并论。那么作为普通人,我们就来探讨我们身边的人。看看他们幸福成功的的人生能带给我们怎样的启发?我们很幸运地请到了一位重量级嘉宾来给我们做系列访谈,她就是全美知名的“巧克力女王”:Ms.Maribel Lieberman, 请她来跟大家谈谈--成功的人生不是偶然!


What is the Essence of Chinese Culture?


Maribel Lieberman—A Successful Life Is Not an Accident!